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container door locking gear

These are related to the container door locking gear news, in which you can learn about the updated information in container door locking gear, to help you better understand and expand container door locking gear market. Because the market for container door locking gear is evolving and changing, so we recommend that you collect our website, and we will show you the latest news on a regular basis.
  • 2020-03-06

    How do I buy a carrier lock?First of all, in the material, different carriers choose the carrier locks are different, the general cabin is the choice of iron, and refrigerated carriers, insulation carriers to choose stainless steel material;Secondly, different materials in the surface treatment are
  • 2020-03-06

    How to maintain the container lockLock, is our daily life contact with the most frequent objects, but, many people think that the home bought a door lock or hardware, you can not maintain, until the use of bad, you can be replaced. But if the daily life does not pay attention to details and maintena
  • 2020-03-04

    Containers belong to large-scale packaging, now the efficiency of shipping and container-related, because the sea is facing heavyweight goods, the weight of the goods can only be packaged, although the container packaging effect is good, but the container after the packaging heavy, itself has become
  • 2020-03-04

    What must be the characteristics of solid welding container waterproof coating?Solid welding container waterproof coating is made of synthetic polymer polymer, polymer several objects and asphalt, polymer polymer and cement as the main film-forming substances, adda, modified materials, filling mater
  • 2020-01-05

     Container accessories supporting the use of products are actually very critical, sometimes if unreasonable choice in the specific use of the time may still have a lot of problems, then how to choose container accessories will be better?Choice one, is to see if the same model as the container of you
  • 2019-10-09

    There are many ways to connect the container lock to the body. Some are welded directly to the body. The lock can only be rotated and cannot be moved longitudinally. This type is called a fixed type. Some locks are fixedly attached to the body by brackets and the locks are fixed. It can not only rot
  • 2019-09-29

    Tips for estimating container sizeMany people will ask how to accurately estimate the size of the container? In fact, the method is very simple. Knowing this little trick, you don't have to wait for the factory data of the slow supply because of the size of the container.Take a coil notebook as an e







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