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container door lock seal

A list of these container door lock seal articles makes it easy for you to quickly access relevant information. We have prepared the following professional container door lock seal, hoping to help solve your questions and better understand the product information you care about.
  • 2020-08-08

    Classification, protection and use of seals(一)Automobile sealing strip is one of the important parts of automobile parts, which is widely used in window, body, door, seat, sunroof, chassis and trunk. It is also waterproof and waterproof.The classifications of car rubber sealing strips were vulcanize
  • 2020-03-05

    How to open the container door lockIf there is a lock should be a disposable lock. One-time padlock open method: plant lock on one side there are several small round holes, with a knife to scrape off the face paint to see, several holes are filled with soft metal with a knife pick edgy, there are sp
  • 2020-03-05

    Door lock manufacturers introduce the cold storage installation easy to ignore the problemWith the use of the local cold storage gradually become more and more, we build cold storage in the pace is also gradually accelerated, in the construction of cold storage time, we are very focused on the cold
  • 2020-03-05

    What material is good for cold storage door seals?We all know that cold storage door to do a good job of the whole cold storage cooling effect will also be good, cold storage door accessories determine the quality of cold storage door, wherein the seal is the most important accessory for cold storag
  • 2020-03-05

    The container door lock designed by the utility model includes the locking body fastened to the container door board and the lock box welded to the container lock rod; The locking rod that is articulated with the other end of the upper articulation rod and the lower locking rod that is articulated w
  • 2020-01-05

     Container accessories supporting the use of products are actually very critical, sometimes if unreasonable choice in the specific use of the time may still have a lot of problems, then how to choose container accessories will be better?Choice one, is to see if the same model as the container of you







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